Ormai la rivoluzione è inarrestabile.
Citazione di Rossi: “il nostro sistema sfrutta una forza (coulombiana) che ci dovrebbe essere avversaria, ma riusciamo a volgerla a nostro favore, un po’ come nelle arti marziali orientali”
Il jūjutsu è un’arte di difesa personale che basa i suoi principi sulle radici del nome originale giapponese: Hey yo shin kore do, ovvero “Il morbido vince il duro”. In molte arti marziali, oltre all’equilibrio del corpo, conta molto anche la forza di cui si dispone. Nel jujitsu, invece, la forza della quale si necessita proviene proprio dall’avversario.
Riassunto per punti:
- 2007/2008 started getting LENR reactions. Sold other businesses. Asked Prof Focardi through Uni Bologna
to answer why his system/idea could not work. Bad news, Focardi saw no reason. Professor Focardi helped with radiation and safety. - Intention to produce energy useful for industrial applications
- Distinction between industrial and domestic units.
- Size about box of cigarretes. Powdered Ni and compressed H and catalyzer
- Low energy Gamma heats lead and lead heats water outside reactor
- For 1MW with ‘thin’ amount of H and Ni… Theory soon… Understood well.
- No gas (exhaust) waste radiation etc – clean. No danger of meltdown – no radioactive materials
- Should temperature be too high Ni melts and stops working switches off
- 1st gen ecat heated facility for two years but that facility now sold. However ecats at present working continuously in tests.
- Only heat – 1 to 2 years for electricity
- 1 gm of matter (Ni or anything) 23,000 MWH of heat energy – if all global energy is eCat, still only 1% world production of Ni
- Few public tests in past but make tests every day in production
- Started UL tests
- Prepping robotised factory for 1 million cats in US – love US – First factory in Florida. Now important to push price down. Want $500 tag. Hence robots and well-designed manufacturing lines
- Will soon have lots of competitors. Trying to head off future reverse engineering by countries not respecting rights. Foresee China or other countries will do this – can’t compete on price – have to fight them with improving tech. You will be surprised at the high level of easyness for the eCat systems.
- Study Solyndra and other companies to anticipate war (it is a war). We want to win.
- Without catalyst it does not work. Many attempts in past did not work without catalyst. Once millions out there, simple for any lab to know and copy hence low price and engineering strategy
- RFG – confidential but like oriental martail arts – forces that should fight against us (coloumb) used to help instead. Effect turn theoretical disadvantage to advantage
- NI – helped enhance stability. This is useful in future to get electricity. Need 400 deg (Celcius) at least. Unstable reactor at that temperature. Currently up to 120 celcius stable. Now no power spikes. In theory, can put in series to get high temp but then unstable. Tremendous help from 1MW customer and NI (NI philosophy is to teach how to fish – this from NI first meeting when company man said they want to improve the technology together)
- UL – exactly as it will be as sold. Has been assembled to instructions given by UL engineer
- Many people complain we don’t go to conferences and tests but need to work. Have fast roadmap. No time to lose. NI is very fast in everything.
- Looks like a small portable computer. Apply it to any existing heater. Like software that you can insert into any kind of computer. Any installer can insert it into any type of heater anywhere in the world easily.
- Cannot get heat on demand. Response time too slow. For sanitary water (shower or hand washing) use normal system but to heat a resevoir tank or for warming home in winter the eCat is good.
- Still looking at preheating water for commercial power plant elec generation. Problem with authorisation. Any changes to their system requires complex authorisations. Tech wise it is easy but administratively difficult.
- 180 operational days. Use eCat for 1 month per year and will last 6 years. Put on for half hour and switch off and it effectively uses nothing.
- Assistance point close to customer. They will supply refill. Customer can change or call in plumber. Very easy – old cartridge sent back for recycling. Retreat Ni in the old cartridge to become new and then put back in operation. A cycle of cartridges in existence.
- Because it can be fitted to any type of heater you can go to your normal supplier (hence supplier will always be close to you)
- Next week will be in Boston to talk about another possible manufacturing plant
- Hydrogen cannister? Big surprise. Very likely will work without seperate Hydrogen cannister. Resolved problem by putting a substance inside reactor to produce and recycle Hydrogen. Picograms of H used. Originally, getting certification was big issue. Without H cannister, this is no problem.
- Instead of using pressure of H as control, now solved problem by using heat.
- $10 per recharge
- Automation gets price low. Everything automised to max level. Cut time and cost of assembling.
- Organising network with licencing agencies and sell directly on Net. Also asking customer to put in touch with installer to build network close to customers.
- eCat will go self-sustain when system decides it can. All automatic. Like elec car control system that decides if petrol or battery power at any instant. Invisible to and not the choice of owner. Once in self-sustain mode, small input for control and any fan etc
- Gamma radiation. Transmutation Ni to Cu is side effect. Evidence of 511 kEV gamma at 180 deg electron positron (antimatter) production. [This is interesting].
- 1MW in modification with NI – new control system now in operation. Customer happy at test with condition that gaskets are sorted etc. Will be in operation in 1 month max in the field of customer
- Other 12 systems underway
- Bound by NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) can’t talk about customer
- Another 1MW sold. Plus many, many in discussion
- The Colonel has big experience in power plant and thermodynamics helping us get electric generation sooner than expected
- Start up energy – every 10kW 2.7 (to 2.9kW) power input for activation. This takes around one hour in domestic eCat.
- Only one reactor in Home unit
- Patent in Italy – took two years
- Int and US still pending. Can’t know when and what will happen regarding patents. ~Does not depend on them. Patent attorneys working on it.
- On giving tech to world (open source). Not the best way. If you take all incentives away from investors will be no investments. If want to make something beautiful for mankind, this way is efficient. Giving away would be worst way. Open source and copying becomes worthless if the eCat has best tech and very cheap.
- Testing U of Bol and Upsalla. Working on it. Very close to be started. Tremendous amount of work to do recently in small amount of time. Need time to work on it. Should be by February.
- Never comment on competitors (BL Power etc)
- No more public tests. Everything goes into preparing for mass production and working on technology
- Once small eCats on sale, everybody can buy one and make any test they want.
- Start production in Fall. Will have ready all engineering to start production. Sales in winter. Now ’till fall, prepping factory
- 1 Million units per year
- 3 to 5 years – depends on market – difficult to predict production rate
- Investing? What rate will you consider? This is a hypothetical question. When producing 1 million pieces, they will be a warship. Not want to put at risk family savings. Enterprise still risky for many reasons. Can accept investments from big organisations (amounts that are small for them). Hedge funds etc: anything goes wrong, no one will cry. Too early for people to invest in our business. Not consolidated enough for that risk. When well consolidated, will go public.
- Thousands of supporters who want to assist. Any way for them to help? Working hard to make low price so it will pay back itself quickly then 30 years saving on fuel. Good way to help is to preregister interest in buying 10kW plant. No money but offer later 400-500.
- Taking enquiries for licencing. Send an email: info@leanardo1996corp.com, sterlingda@pureenergysystems.com or from eCat.com
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